podiatrist Worcester Hereford foot pain heel pain sore feet contact Who would have thought it? Crikey, the clinic has been in lockdown for 4 week now and we still don’t know when or how we will come out of it. I am sitting in my office and it’s quiet. So very quiet. All I hear is the bin lorry on the street going about their daily work. Usually, its bustling in the practice with Dental clients and my clients chatting. Staff smiling and greeting people. Now we are all staying home and protecting ourselves and each other through distancing and isolation. How are you all managing and coping? Like myself, I am sure you are all going through all sorts of emotional highs and lows. The uncertainty and the worry over family and friends we cannot be with. It has given us time to reflect on how we feel about things and really appreciate how free we used to be- just doing normal things like popping over to see a friend or neighbour for a coffee or nipping to a shop for something ‘non essential’. I have tried to take the approach of one day at a time (hard I know, failed miserably some days). At home we have had the wonderful distraction of my son’s 7th birthday just after Easter. The focus on planning activities for his special day and organising presents and food was welcomed. The kids activities (I have 2 aged 7 and soon to be 5) have taken precedence in trying to avoid too much TV time. If we can achieve one thing a week I think we are doing well- this week is both of them learning to ride their bicycles without our help…. 2 days left to master it, I have high hopes! I continue to read and see on social media how others have got through this period by cooking and baking. It is amazing how spending so much time at home can revolve around food. I too, have enjoyed the time to really spend time thinking about our meals and making some special new recipies. I have a fear that I might have to craned out of the house after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted though. All clinic appointments have been postponed until further notice but I have managed to do some lovely upgrades in my Shrubbery Avenue clinic. I have installed beautiful new heat resistant blinds. I moved into the front room in January; I soon realised along with the beautiful sunshine (south facing room) comes heat. So these fabulous blinds will come in handy. I hope that once we get notification of re-opening I will be in touch with each and every one of you personally to rearrange and rebooked your appointments. In the meantime stay safe and stay home. Please do to hesitate to get in touch if you are struggling with a foot problem there is lots of advice I can give over the phone.  podiatrist Worcester SO Podiatry foot pain heel pain toenail