September has arrived and finally the kids have all gone back to school and so I have managed to get back to the list of jobs I have been meaning to get sorted for ages. Look out for my new look website that the lovely Sophie from SoJo has been helping me with. It hopefully will be up and running int he next couple of weeks. It is a whole new look and gives more details on my services and treatments and loads more information about Swift microwave therapy that i now offer.
Verrucae are stubborn virus’ that live in your skin and the body doesn’t quite know that it is there. They are resistant things and often when someone comes for treatment they have already tried all the over the counter preparations. Swift is a short rapid treatment of 3 appointments where 2 seconds of microwave energy is blasted on the lesion and repeated 5 times. There are no needles involved and you can return to your normal daily activities after. If you are interested and want to know more get in touch to discuss if this might suit you. National figures report that it has an 89% success rate so fingers crossed it might just be the treatment that finally gives your your beautiful healthy feet back,