Getting your feet Summer-ready!

This is the time of year we think about getting holiday ready, sitting on the beach or lounging by a lovely pool in the sun.

However, having a foot problem that you are embarrassed about or just don’t want anyone to see can make you feel differently about that sunny holiday.

SO… If you are suffering from foot a problem this is the time when you should start thinking about your foot care so that you are ready when summer arrives.

For example, if you have verruca it can take around 5 months to clear up completely after treatment.

Getting them assessed and treated now leaves you plenty of time to have them resolved by the time summer comes.

Fungal nail infections can take 6-12 moths to fully resolve but usually, with consistent treatment, you can start to see improvements in as little as 6 weeks.

These kinds of problems can be embarrassing and can take a few months to resolve therefore getting treatment around this time of the year is a great way to have summer-ready feet.

SO… Let’s talk about how you can get ahead and on top of your foot care and get your feet Summer-ready!

Looking after your feet at home is the easiest and most beneficial way to keep on top of your foot health. By taking care of your feet and paying extra attention to them daily, you are more likely to spot a problem earlier rather than later and seek treatment or advice if needed.

Here are 5 top tips you can do at home to keep your feet in tip-top condition:

  1. Trim your nails with nippers (not clippers) straight across avoiding cutting diagonally into the corners. This will prevent ingrowing toenails which can be incredibly painful.
  2. Use a urea-based cream to prevent callus and dry skin. Urea helps the skin attract and maintain water within the layers of the skin keeping the skin hydrated for longer. Apply the cream daily to clean dry feet but avoid between the toes as this can cause maceration of the skin and lead to bacterial and fungal infections.

3. Wear a pair of clean natural fibre socks each day such as cotton or bamboo.

These fibres are naturally anti-fungal and anti-bacterial which helps to prevent re-infection. We currently have a lovely range of natural cotton socks in the clinic so make sure you check out our display.

Get your feet Summer-ready
Get your feet Summer-ready

4. Wear the correct fitting shoes by getting your feet measured.

We can measure your feet right here at SO podiatry. Please ask your podiatrist at your next appointment if you would like us to measure your feet.

5. Dry well between your toes to prevent cracking or maceration and the development of fungal infections.

We hope these top tips help you look after your feet at home but if you require any further assistance please get in touch and a member of the team will be able to help.

Don’t forget to head on over to our online shop for all your foot care essentials!